Now, as a lot of you know, I have been very nervous about driving in Italy. I've heard countless horror stories and warnings, but since I am the only one who knows how to drive a manual, it was my job to get us to our destinations safely. To help myself out a little, I planned for us to have a GPS and to pick up the rental car closer to the edge of Rome, which would allow me to avoid the craziness of the city. However, our GPS was having trouble picking up the satellites, and by the time the GPS began working, I found myself in the center of Rome. Okay, so I know a lot of you, especially my mom, may be thinking that I instantly freaked out, but it actually wasn't that bad. Yes, they drive fast and crazy, but they're not mean like New Yorkers or aggressive in the same way Californians are.
We headed to Santa Marinella, another recommendation from a friend, which was absolutely beautiful. I was able to put my feet in the water of an Italian beach!

We planned on getting lunch there, but our timing was off and everyone was taking their daily "riposo" (nap) so we ate a lunch of bread, gardettos, gummy worms, and water and headed on to Siena. The drive to Siena was long and exhausting, but also incredible. The country is breathtaking!

As we neared Siena, we both knew it was best to park outside the city, but weren't sure where that meant. Suddenly, the GPS had brought us into the middle of the city, directing us in all the wrong ways: the wrong way on a one-way street, up a 60 degree incline and then telling us to make a u-turn, sending us onto pedestrian only walkways, and telling us to turn on streets that simply didn't exist. Up to this point, I had bee very proud of my ability to remain calm, but all of this went out the window in Siena. We had no idea where we were, where we were going, and a GPS that seemed bent on our destruction and my humiliation. (When you're the only car on a pedestrian street, people tend to look at you.) Randomly, we happened to notice a sign for our hotel, which was only a block away. We parked in a piazza that we were not legally supposed to be in at all, found our hotel, and checked in. After checking in, we braved the streets once more to find parking. Thanks to the wonderful concierge, we actually knew where we were going this time.
Despite all this anguish trying to get here, Siena is wonderful and is definitely a place I wish I had more time to explore. We did find this cute little wine shop where Dan purchased some local Tuscan chiantis. We are currently enjoying one with some pizza before we head out to explore some more!
We will post more pictures of our drive/"itty-bitty" car later.
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